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Version: 3.x

Version Update


Version upgrades may involve updates to the database table structure, and the table structure updates depend on the Django-provided migrate tool. The normal operation of this tool depends on the migrations directory and the django_migrations table generated during installation.

Do not delete or modify these directories or tables, otherwise, after the version upgrade involving table structure updates, it may cause problems such as missing table fields.

If you are currently deploying the v2.x.x version (system settings / about), do not upgrade to the v3 version through this upgrade tool, otherwise it will cause abnormal operation! [#419](

Docker installation, version update

# Default update to the latest version
# Spug is the container name, which can also be replaced by your own container ID

docker exec -i spug python3 /data/spug/spug_api/ update

# Restart the container after the update is complete
docker restart spug

Manual installation, version update

# Default update to the latest version

cd spug_api
source venv/bin/activate
python update

# Restart service
supervisorctl restart all